Type of service: Disability Services
What they do: Provide in-home assistance with daily living activities (Home services). Assist people who want to work or attend college (Vocational/Rehabilitation Services, and Bureau of Blind Services). Can help with disability accommodations, transportation, tuition assistance, and more.
Who is eligible:
Home Service: anyone under age 59 years old who has a documented disability or illness that impedes daily living. Must meet certain financial guidelines.
Vocational/Rehab Services and Bureau of Blind Services: Must have a documented disability or visual impairment. Must meet certain financial guidelines.
Referral needed? Can self-refer. Home Services has a wait-list but you can sign up to get on the wait-list.
Best way to access services: Call the office.
Address: 1429 S. Main St., Suite C, Jacksonville (Temporarily Closed/Remote Staff Available)
Phone number: 217-245-9585