Do you need emergency help? If you are having a medical emergency, call 911. For other emergencies, use the info on this page to help you get the help you need.
Find assistance with financial needs, rental assistance, utility assistance, medical benefits, food, and more.
Places in Jacksonville that serve people with developmental and physical disabilities.
Find legal assistance or get legal, official documents for identification for certain services.
Resources to help you find a ride, some options for childcare if you need it, drop-in centers for a safe place to hang out, and support groups and programs.
Educational resources, special needs, general resources and support, classes and support groups.
Are you bored and looking for something to DO? There are a ton of activities in Jacksonville, and many are FREE!
Upcoming Events
- There are no upcoming events. is a project of Midwest Youth Services, funded by a Community Youth Services grant from the Illinois Department of Human Services.