Type of service: Activities, Mentoring, Youth Development
What they do: Student-Athlete Program, Career/Networking Program, Male Involvement Program, and Humble Horizons Sisters Circle. Host events and provide mentorship activities to youth while maintaining the core values of Humility, Unity, Maturity, Blessed, Leadership, Education.
Who is eligible? Youth and adults. Please see individual programs for targeted ages.
Referral needed? No. Just contact Sam or Terry to get started!
Best way to access services: Call or email.
Contact Person:
Samuel Holmes Jr- Email: sam@beehumbleteam.com Phone: 217-370-8357, or
Terry Grant- Email: terry@beehumbleteam.com Phone: 217-204-4991
Address: P.O. Box 1382 Jacksonville, IL 62651, Facility coming soon to the corner of Clay and Walcott!
Hours of operation: Special events only at this time, please contact Sam or Terry, or follow on Facebook for updates!