
Lincoln Land Community College – Adult Education

Type of service: Adult Education

What they do: GED Prep, Adult Basic Education, ESL, Adult Career Pathways, Literacy Tutoring, Citizenship Preparation

Who is eligible? Open to all.

Referral needed? No

Best way to access services: Call Pat Gallagher (See contact info below)

Address: 32 S. Central Park, Jacksonville
Hours of operation: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Phone number: 217-786-2359
Contact person: Pat Gallagher

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Lincoln Land Community College – Community Education

Type of service: Education

What they do: Wide variety of classes ranging from general interests to academic, do not lead to degree or certificate

Who is eligible? High School Students. Open to all

Referral needed? No

Best way to access services: Must fill out free “Community Education Worksheet” on the website

Address: 32 S. Central Park, Jacksonville
Hours of operation: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Phone number: 217-243-6699
Contact person: Denese Udey

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Lincoln Land Community College – Youth Programs

Type of service: Education

What they do: College for Kids, ACT/Prep, Youth Culinary Classes

Who is eligible? Depends on the program/class

Referral needed? No

Best way to access services: Apply online for preferred program, or call the office

Address: 32 S. Central Park, Jacksonville
Hours of operation: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Phone number: 217-786-4905
Contact person: Jessica Ingold

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​Job Corps

Type of service: Education and Career Training

What they do: Job training, academic completion

Who is eligible? Youth ages 16-24, legal US resident, or lawfully admitted permanent resident alien, refugee, asylee, or parolee, meets low income criteria, needs technical training or assistance to finish school or find a job, parent/guardian consent (if minor), does not have behavioral problems, not on court supervision (probation), free from illegal drug use

Referral needed? No

Best way to access services: call and speak to an operator or fill out this application to get started.

Phone number: 800-733-JOBS

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Four Rivers Early Childhood Special Education

Type of Service: Early Childhood Special Education

What they do: Provide specific learning activities for children within a developmentally appropriate framework. Due to the developmental level of the children, activities use play-like materials while also using different teaching strategies to build upon the child’s individual strengths and to improve areas of weakness. Instruction takes place within a small group or whole class setting, and lessons are designed to address children’s individual needs.

Who is eligible? Anyone residing within the Four Rivers 19 school districts

Referral needed? Yes

Best way to access services: Call office


Address: 936 W. Michigan Ave., Jacksonville

Hours of operation: Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Phone number: 217-245-7174


Four Rivers Special Education District

Type of service: Audiology

What they do: The Four Rivers Special Education District contracts with IL School for the Deaf for audiology. ISD maintains a fully-equipped audiologic suite and employs a state licensed audiologist. Children who are referred by parent or school district personnel are seen at this facility on an appointment basis. Services include measurement of hearing levels, middle ear function assessments (tympanometry), hearing aid checks, and referrals for specialized hearing aid needs. Consultations with special or regular education teachers occur on a case-by-case basis.

Who is eligible? The program serves children ages 3 to 22 years of age residing in the Four Rivers cooperative area.

Referral needed? No

Best way to access services: Call office.

Address: 936 W. Michigan Ave., Jacksonville
Hours of operation: Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Phone number: 217-245-7174


Lincoln’s Challenge Academy

Type of service: Education and training

What they do: Two-phase (17 month) program to help youth finish school, gain life skills and make a plan for their future

Who is eligible? Ages 16-18, Illinois resident, drug-free (at the start of the class), no pending court cases or adult felonies

Referral needed? No

Best way to access services: Call for information or visit website.

Address: 205 Dodge Ave., Rantoul (Regional Office is 100 N. 11th St., Springfield IL 62703)
Phone: 217-528-7875 (Springfield office)

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Lincoln Land Community College – Degree Programs

Type of service: Post-Secondary Education

What they do: Associate’s Degree of Art and Science

Who is eligible? Open to all. Anyone residing in district gets a reduced “in-district” rate. Anyone can take classes. Must have a high school diploma or GED to qualify for financial aid.

Referral needed? No

Best way to access services: Must fill out free “Admission Worksheet” on the website.

Address: 32 S. Central Park, Jacksonville
Hours of operation: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Phone number: 217-243-6699
Contact person: Keri Mason

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Early Years

Type of service: Free supportive services, home visiting program, and Early Childhood Education

What they do: Parent education, parent support, prenatal support, developmental screenings, and preschool education for free through Jacksonville School District #117.

Who is eligible? Families must reside within Jacksonville School District #117’s boundaries. Eligible are: prenatal support for expecting parents as well as parent education and family resources for parents of children ages 0-5.

Must complete screening and intake to be eligible for any openings. Program prioritizes at-risk children and families, but all families within Jacksonville School District #117’s boundaries should apply for eligibility. There is no enrollment deadline.

Referral needed? Referrals are accepted, but they are not required

Best way to access services: Call our office, walk-in, or visit our website to contact our program about your interest.


Address: 516 Jordan Street in Jacksonville

Hours of operation: Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Phone: 217-243-2876

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Lincoln Land Community College – Dual Credit

Type of service: Education

What they do: Dual Credit (college while in high school), First Semester Experience

Who is eligible? High School Students. Take a placement test and/or are academically eligible.

Referral needed? No

Best way to access services: Ask your high school guidance counselor.

Address: 32 S. Central Park, Jacksonville
Hours of operation: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Phone number: 217-243-6699
Contact person: Keri Mason

Website | Facebook

Career Training

Jacksonville DREAM Center Foundation

Type of service: Volunteer
What they do: Match kids of all ages with volunteer experiences and adult mentors to help them explore their interests, gain job skills, and participate in the community. If you are interested in learning to do something, the DREAM Center can probably help you out!
Who is eligible? Open to all. You can even bring your friends or family with you!
Referral needed? No
Best way to access services: Walk in or email with questions

Address: 210 W. College, Jacksonville
Hours of operation: Most afternoons and evenings

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Boy Scouts – Explorer Post

Type of service: Career Training

What they do: Fire/EMS/Engineering (Springfield), Law Enforcement (Taylorville), Med Post (Litchfield)

Who is eligible? Boys and girls: 14 – 21 years old, $47/year

Referral needed? No

Best way to access services: Call James Grable and he will connect you with the right unit or program.

Hours of operation: Varies


Phone number: 217-529-2727

Contact person: James Grable


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Lincoln Land Community College – Career Training

Type of service: Career Training

What they do: Certified Nurse’ Assistant, LPN (in Jacksonville). Other programs in Springfield.

Who is eligible? Nurse’ Assistant – pass reading placement test, ACT of 22 or greater, able to pass background check, TB test; LPN – pass English placement test

Referral needed? No

Best way to access services: Must fill out free “Admission Worksheet” on the website.


Address: 32 S. Central Park, Jacksonville

Hours of operation: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Phone number: 217-243-6699

Contact person: Lori Oldenettel


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Scholarships & Financial Aid

MCS Community Services (Morgan/Cass/Scott)

Type of service: Financial Aid
What they do: Scholarships available for post-secondary educational or vocational programs during the Spring.
Who is eligible? Open to those who meet income or other program guidelines. Resident of Morgan, Cass, or Scott county. Post-secondary program must be in Illinois. See website for details.
Referral needed? No
Best way to access services: Call or walk in

Address: 345 West State St, Jacksonville
Hours of operation: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Phone number: 217-243-9404


Jacksonville Promise

Type of service: Financial Aid (up to $1250 per semester for 3 semesters.)

What they do: Give financial aid to Morgan County high school graduates who attend a local college.

Who is eligible? High school seniors (public, private or home schooled) who live in Morgan County and plan to attend LLCC or IC.  Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, as long as funding is available.  Additionally, students who graduated from a local high school are eligible up to 6 years after graduation.  (Students who take a gap year/s, serve in the military, or work instead of going directly to college.)

Referral? No


Best way to access services: email or text with questions, or find application on website and mail it in.

Address: P.O. Box 334, Jacksonville, IL 62651

Hours of operation: 24/7

Phone number: 217-670-9371 (call or text)

Email:  or

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