Session 1: HIT SQUAD Tennis

Session 1: March 20th  - April 24th (Will not meet on April 17th - Easter) Session 2: May 1st - 29th   Noon - 1pm - 10 and under 1-2pm 10-12 beginners 2-3:30pm 10 & Under 2nd year 3:30-4pm 14 & under 2nd year   Cost: YMCA Members $50 Non Members: $75   Registration will […]

Awareness Event

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month   Join us for an Awareness Event April 5th 12:30-1:00 South side of the Square in Jacksonville

Pinwheels for Prevention – Local Parade

Child abuse prevention is a community effort. So many local entities contribute to preventing child abuse and together we would like to spotlight local community efforts. Law enforcement, social services, educators, churches, court systems, sports teams, community groups, and so many more …… We all make an impact and promote positive youth outcomes.   Midwest […]

Session 2: HIT squad Tennis

Session 1: March 20th  - April 24th (Will not meet on April 17th - Easter) Session 2: May 1st - 29th   Noon - 1pm - 10 and under 1-2pm 10-12 beginners 2-3:30pm 10 & Under 2nd year 3:30-4pm 14 & under 2nd year   Cost: YMCA Members $50 Non Members: $75   Registration will […]