
Type of service: Disability Services/Housing What they do: Provide group homes for individuals with developmental disabilities. Who is eligible: Individuals with a developmental disability who have completed an admissions assessment. […]

Illinois Assistive Technology Project

Type of service: Disability Services What they do: Assistive Technology Assessments (K-12), Device loans, financial loans, Assistive Technology Evaluations, Benefits Planning for individuals receiving SSI/SSDI, Demonstration Center Who is eligible: […]

Achievement Unlimited/DDHomes

Type of service: Disability Services/Housing What they do: Provide group homes for individuals with developmental disabilities. Who is eligible: Individuals with a developmental disability who have completed an admissions assessment. […]

Special Olympics

Type of service: Disability Services What they do: Softball, basketball, soccer, volleyball, track, bowling, flag football Referral needed? No Best way to access services: Call or email Richard Larkin Address: 1905 W. […]

Pathway Services

Type of service: Volunteer What they do: Volunteer in The Attic (thrift shop) or for special events Who is eligible? No specific requirements Referral needed? No Best way to access […]

JACIL (Jacksonville Area Center for Independent Living)

Type of service: Volunteer What they do: Assist individuals with disabilities in a variety of ways (building ramps, reading books, driving to appointments, etc.) Who is eligible? No specific eligibility requirements […]

Equip for Equality

Type of service: Disability Services What they do: Meetings or Court appearances (Representation and legal advice) Who is eligible? Available for persons with an ADA-recognized disability in Illinois Best way to […]

Department of Rehabilitation Services

Type of service: Disability Services What they do: Provide in-home assistance with daily living activities (Home services). Assist people who want to work or attend college (Vocational/Rehabilitation Services, and Bureau […]

Elm City

Type of service: Disability Services What they do: Developmental/vocational training, housing, case management, advocacy. Who is eligible? Ages 18+. Must have a documented developmental disability for developmental training and residential services. Case […]

Four Rivers Early Childhood Special Education

Type of Service: Early Childhood Special Education What they do: Provide specific learning activities for children within a developmentally appropriate framework. Due to the developmental level of the children, activities […]