Shelters & Homeless Suport

Pathway Services

Type of service: Volunteer
What they do: Volunteer in The Attic (thrift shop) or for special events
Who is eligible? No specific requirements
Referral needed? No
Best way to access services: Call to ask about volunteering

Address: 1905 W. Morton Ave., Jacksonville
Phone: 217-479-2300
Hours of operation: Monday – Friday 10 am – 5 p.m. and Saturday 10 am – 3 pm
Contact person: Darbey Jenkins


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District 117 Special Services and Early Intervention – Clay Court

Type of service: Disability Services

What they do: Speech therapy, social work, psychology, occupational therapy, physical therapy – provided at the child’s school, wherever it is (even if it is a special school in another city)

Who is eligible? Ages 0-18. Must reside within district 117. Complete evaluation/testing through social worker/psychologist in order to qualify for services.

Referral needed? No

Best way to access services: Call

Address: 3 W. Central Park Plaza, Jacksonville
Hours of operation: Monday – Friday 7 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Phone number: 217-243-7402

Elm City

Type of service: Disability Services
What they do: Developmental/vocational training, housing, case management, advocacy.
Who is eligible? Ages 18+. Must have a documented developmental disability for developmental training and residential services. Case management (life skills support) is available to adults with mental health diagnoses, based on eligibility criteria at intake.
Referral needed? Referrals accepted from various agencies, but not required
Best way to access services: Call to find out more information.

Address: 1314 West Walnut, Jacksonville
Hours of operation: Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Phone number: 217-245-9504


Child and Family Connections

Type of service: Disability Services

What they do: Early Intervention (ages 0-3 years)

Referral needed? Yes. Referrals accepted from Health Department, Doctor’s Offices, Parents, Teachers, and Early Years.

Best way to access services: Call

Address: 125 S. Webster Ave., Jacksonville
Phone number: 217-245-8755

Equip for Equality

Type of service: Disability Services
What they do: Meetings or Court appearances (Representation and legal advice)
Who is eligible? Available for persons with an ADA-recognized disability in Illinois
Best way to access services: Call or contact via

Address: 1 West Old State Capitol Plaza, Springfield
Phone number: 217-544-0464 or 800-610-2779 (TTY)

Website | Facebook

Illinois Assistive Technology Project

Type of service: Disability Services
What they do: Assistive Technology Assessments (K-12), Device loans, financial loans, Assistive Technology Evaluations, Benefits Planning for individuals receiving SSI/SSDI, Demonstration Center
Who is eligible: Depends on the service
Referral needed? Depends on the service
Best way to access services: Visit website to learn more, and call or email

Address: 1020 S. Spring St., Springfield
Hours of operation: Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.


Department of Rehabilitation Services

Type of service: Disability Services
What they do: Provide in-home assistance with daily living activities (Home services). Assist people who want to work or attend college (Vocational/Rehabilitation Services, and Bureau of Blind Services). Can help with disability accommodations, transportation, tuition assistance, and more.
Who is eligible:
Home Service: anyone under age 59 years old who has a documented disability or illness that impedes daily living. Must meet certain financial guidelines.
Vocational/Rehab Services and Bureau of Blind Services: Must have a documented disability or visual impairment. Must meet certain financial guidelines.
Referral needed? Can self-refer. Home Services has a wait-list but you can sign up to get on the wait-list.
Best way to access services: Call the office.

Address: 1429 S. Main St., Suite C, Jacksonville (Temporarily Closed/Remote Staff Available)
Phone number: ​217-245-9585


Four Rivers Early Childhood Special Education

Type of Service: Early Childhood Special Education

What they do: Provide specific learning activities for children within a developmentally appropriate framework. Due to the developmental level of the children, activities use play-like materials while also using different teaching strategies to build upon the child’s individual strengths and to improve areas of weakness. Instruction takes place within a small group or whole class setting, and lessons are designed to address children’s individual needs.

Who is eligible? Anyone residing within the Four Rivers 19 school districts

Referral needed? Yes

Best way to access services: Call office


Address: 936 W. Michigan Ave., Jacksonville

Hours of operation: Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Phone number: 217-245-7174


JACIL (Jacksonville Area Center for Independent Living)

Type of service: Volunteer
What they do: Assist individuals with disabilities in a variety of ways (building ramps, reading books, driving to appointments, etc.)
Who is eligible? No specific eligibility requirements
Referral needed? No
Best way to access services: Call

Address: 15 Permac Rd., Jacksonville
Phone number: 217-245-8371 (Deaf individuals may contact 217-245-1872, or 217-408-2668 – Deaf Advocate’s Videophone)

Website | Facebook

Special Olympics

Type of service: Disability Services
What they do: Softball, basketball, soccer, volleyball, track, bowling, flag football
Referral needed? No
Best way to access services: Call or email Richard Larkin

Address: 1905 W. Morton Ave., Jacksonville
Contact person: Richard Larkin
Phone number: 217-479-2324


Type of service: Disability Services/Housing
What they do: Provide group homes for individuals with developmental disabilities.
Who is eligible: Individuals with a developmental disability who have completed an admissions assessment.
Referral needed? No
Best way to access services: Call office or complete contact form online

Phone number: ​(866) 363-7909

Achievement Unlimited/DDHomes

Type of service: Disability Services/Housing

What they do: Provide group homes for individuals with developmental disabilities.

Who is eligible: Individuals with a developmental disability who have completed an admissions assessment.

Referral needed? No

Best way to access services: Call office or complete contact form online

Address: 235 N. West St., Jacksonville
Hours of operation: Monday – Friday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Phone number: ​866-363-7909

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